Make sure you're counted.
The census is live NOW! You can and should take the census by visiting https://my2020census.gov/.
The census only comes around every 10 years, which is why it is crucial that you make yourself and your community count. Every single person should be counted regardless of their age, race, or even citizenship status. Why is the census so important? Well, communities that are not counted essentially do not exist in the government’s eyes, therefore they won’t be considered when drawing congressional districts or allocating money for schools, hospitals, or roads. We are a part of the fabric of America and we deserve to be seen just like everyone else.
There are 56.5 million Latinx people currently living in the US and a third of those people are at a high risk of not taking the census. But we will not be silenced! Take the census and encourage your friends, family, and community to take it, too! You deserve representation, funding, and visibility!
- I'll be taking the census! Everyone in my community needs to take it so we can get the representation and resources we deserve!
- There are 56.6 million Latinx people currently living in the US. Let's make sure each of them is counted in the 2020 census so we are represented!
- The census is how the government decides to draw congressional districts and allocate money for schools, hospitals and roads. That's why I'm pledging to take the census in 2020!
- This is the first time you'll be able to take the census online! It will be available starting April 1, so be sure that you and all your friends, family, and neighbors fill it out!
- Have questions about the #census? You can text CENSUS to 731-79 and @votolatino will answer your questions!