Voto Latino Applauds American Jobs Plan
Package would invest $2T in roads, bridges, waterways, schools, housing, Workforce development and much more
Washington, DC – Voto Latino today strongly endorsed the Biden Administration’s new American Jobs Plan, an investment in America that will create millions of high-quality jobs and break ground on the nation’s first modern infrastructure in decades.
“We celebrate this $2 trillion down payment on America’s future,” said Voto Latino co-founding president and CEO María Teresa Kumar, “one that will create good new jobs, start rebuilding our sorely-neglected infrastructure and help chart the course to the better tomorrow that America’s working class has deserved for far too long.
“We expect Congress to fund these plans for better bridges, safer roads, cleaner drinking water and more at significant scale, and that Latinos will deeply benefit from their impact,” Kumar added. “We also greatly anticipate the next part of the Biden agenda, one focused on our community’s ‘human infrastructure’ needs like immigration reform, affordable and accessible healthcare, paid leave for workers, more affordable higher education and other issues that can help strengthen the nation and sharpen our competitive edge in the world.
“The American people voted for this kind of big thinking. Now let’s get to work.”
Voto Latino is a grassroots political organization focused on educating and empowering a new generation of Latinx voters, as well as creating a more robust and inclusive democracy. Through innovative digital campaigns, culturally relevant programs and authentic voices, we shepherd the Latinx community towards the full realization of its political power.