Undocu Neighbor Fund - Voto Latino

Undocu Neighbor Fund

Need help paying for your DACA? Fill out the information below and we’ll be in touch.

Voto Latino is not a law firm and is not providing legal advice. Voto Latino is connecting you with its pro bono legal counsel, King & Spalding LLP, and those attorneys will evaluate your DACA status and determine if you qualify to have your $555 DACA online renewal filing fee covered as part of the UndocuNeighbor initiative. ($605 if you file via paper/mail). Voto Latino makes no representations as to your legal status or eligibility for DACA renewal. Voto Latino does not maintain any information you provide us for more than 72 hours. Any attorneys who assist you with your DACA application may maintain materials you send them but are happy to return them to you or destroy them at your request. Submitting this form does not create an attorney client relationship between you and King & Spalding LLP.