LGBTQIA+ - Voto Latino



Voto Latino is supportive of our LGBTQIA+ community. We know coming out is a personal choice and encourage all to live authentically. We understand the complexities of identity and sexual preference surrounding the Latinx community and are here to assist and support as allies. 

We understand that many Latinx LGBTQIA+ in the United States come with surrounding cultural stigmas. Additionally, coming out as undocumented Latinx LGBTQIA+ comes with it’s on complexities. Voto Latino is here to help and provide resources and support to those who may need it.


Spanish Language and Latinx Media

As a leading advocate for LGBTQ rights GLAAD is providing resources for the LGBTQ community in Spanish. Visit their website to find guides in Spanish for allies and navigating resources and more for families in Spanish.