Latinx Heritage Month
Social Media Toolkit
Latinx Heritage Month will be one of the largest activation opportunities Voto Latino will have to engage and register eligible Latinx voters. Your platform and passion will be a crucial part of that effort.
As we celebrate our shared Latinx heritage, we will drive home the importance of the Latinx vote and the need for Latinxs across the country to participate in the November 3rd general election. Voto Latino will provide you with plug-in messaging and spokesperson opportunities in which you can engage your audience, increase your visibility and help in the largest mobilization of Latinxs voters this country has ever seen.
Activation Date: September 15, 2020, 10AM ET
Hashtag: #EnLaLucha
Handle: @votolatino (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram)
Right click on the images to open in a new tab. Right click image again to “save as” and download. Press and hold photos to expand and download on mobile.
Instagram/Facebook Graphics
Twitter Graphics
Sample posts
Sample Copy 1: This #latinxheritagemonth, I’m joining @votolatino to fight for our community.
Fight for our healthcare.
Fight for our economy.
Fight for racial equity.
Your vote is your power. Register to vote and request your mail-in ballot today.
Sample Copy 2: Everything is on the line this November: Our healthcare, our jobs, our fight to end racial inequity.
You can change this. Your vote is our power!
This #latinxheritagemonth, register to vote.
Fight for our community.
@votolatino #EnLaLucha
Sample Copy 3: Our Black and Brown communities are being hurt by COVID-19, a failing economy, and racial inequity.
YOU can change this.
This #latinxheritagemonth, register to vote.
Your vote is our power. Use it.
@votolatino #EnLaLucha
Publicaciones de muestra en español
Copia de muestra 1: Este #latinxheritagemonth, me uniré a @votolatino para luchar por nuestra comunidad.
Lucha por nuestra salud.
por nuestra economía.
por la equidad racial.
Tu voto es nuestro poder. Regístrate para votar y solicita tu boleto por correo hoy.
Copia de muestra 2: Todo está en juego este noviembre: nuestro cuidado de salud, nuestros trabajos, la lucha para acabar con la desigualdad racial. Puedes cambiar esto.
Este #latinxheritagemonth, regístrese para votar. Lucha por nuestra comunidad. @votolatino #enlalucha
Copia de muestra 3: Nuestras comunidades están siendo afectadas por COVID-19, una economía en decadencia y la inequidad racial.
TÚ puedes cambiar esto.
Este #latinxheritagemonth, regístrate para votar.
Tu voto es nuestro poder. Úsalo.
@votolatino #EnLaLucha
We’d love for you to take the time to film a short video for Latinx Heritage Month. Ideally, we’d love for y’all to speak from the heart and be real. We suggest keeping the video short (30 seconds – 1 minute), but it’s not required. Feel free to use the below sample scripts to share how folks can take action and show pride in their community.
Be sure to post this video on September 15, 2020 to Twitter, Facebook and Instagram and tag @VotoLatino.
The country has failed you. Our people are getting sick, they’re losing their jobs, and everyday we’re seeing rampant racial inequity. But YOU have the power to make a change with your vote.
In this upcoming election, we fight for our respect. We fight to change this country for our families, for our communities, and for those who can’t vote. We fight for our kids and our future generations. We fight because if we don’t do it, no one else will. So we need you to step up and fight with us.
This Latinx Heritage Month, I’m teaming up with Voto Latino to make sure every single one of us registers to vote. Because your vote is our power.
Go to www.Votolatino.org and get started.
El país te ha fallado. Nuestra gente se está enfermando, están perdiendo sus trabajos y todos los días vemos una desigualdad racial desenfrenada. Pero TÚ tienes el poder de hacer un cambio con tu voto.
En esta próxima elección, luchamos por nuestro respeto. Luchamos para cambiar este país para nuestras familias, nuestras comunidades y aquellos que no pueden votar. Luchamos por nuestros hijos y nuestras generaciones futuras. Luchamos porque si no lo hacemos, nadie más lo hará. Así que necesitamos que den un paso adelante y luchen con nosotros.
Este Mes de la Herencia Latinx/Latinx Heritage Month, me uniré a Voto Latino para asegurarme de que todos y cada uno de nosotros se registre para votar. Porque tu voto es nuestro poder.
Ve a www.Votolatino.org y comienza.
Add your own face to the graphics and represent!
En La Lucha Campaign
En La Lucha is Voto Latino’s campaign to register and turn out over 1 million Latinx voters for 2020. We’re en la lucha every day: for our families, for our community, for a better world. Latinx Voters for the first time are the 2nd largest voting bloc in America. Join La Lucha to learn more about how to take hold of your civic power and change the world.