Voto Latino Statement on SCOTUS’ Ruling on Trump v. United States - Voto Latino

Voto Latino Statement on SCOTUS’ Ruling on Trump v. United States

July 1, 2024
Contact: Diana Castaneda
VP of Communications


WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, in response to the Supreme Court’s ruling on twice-impeached former President Donald Trump’s immunity claim, Voto Latino Co-Founder and President María Teresa Kumar released the following statement:

“One of the greatest virtues of living in a nation governed by laws is that no one is above the law. But after today’s Supreme Court’s ruling, the law doesn’t apply to the twice-impeached felon former President of the United States. This ruling makes one thing explicitly clear: Trump represents a danger to our democracy,” said Voto Latino Co-Founder and President María Teresa Kumar. “Last week’s rulings from the Trump-appointed Supreme Court vacated over 50 years of precedent by handcuffing seasoned civil servant experts across agencies, constraining their ability to act in the public interest above corporate ones. Given that, our nation can ill afford another Trump term where he will continue placing on the bench activist judges who favor industry over our citizens’ health and well being.

“Trump has a long list of criminal behavior. He incited an assault in an attempted coup at the U.S. Capitol to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election and vacate the votes of 81 million voters, stood with violent insurrectionists who sought to harm his Vice President, and tried to intimidate election professionals in Georgia to illegally grant him more votes. The recent New York Court’s guilty verdict on all 34 counts proves that Trump cannot be trusted to lead our country. Given his felony convictions and a civil court determination that he committed sexual assault, he is not a worthy leader for our children to look up to nor has he earned the trust necessary to occupy the White House.

“If Republicans are foolish enough to undermine the integrity of our democracy and nominate him, we’ll defeat Trump the same way we did in 2020. Voto Latino is doubling-down on its efforts to continue registering, mobilizing, and educating voters to empower our community and create a more robust and inclusive democracy.”




Voto Latino is a grassroots political organization focused on educating and empowering a new generation of Latino voters, as well as creating a more robust and inclusive democracy. Since its founding, Voto Latino has registered over 1.4 million voters, mobilized tens of thousands of voters in the 2022 midterms, helping to defeat the so-called “red wave” and keep the Senate majority-Democrat. Voto Latino has also filed several lawsuits to defend voting rights in Texas, Arizona, and North Carolina ahead of the 2024 election.