National Voter Registration Day
Social Media Toolkit
As a co-founder of National Voter Registration Day, Voto Latino is committed to expanding the Latinx electorate and guiding our community towards the full realization of its political power.
This year, use NVRD as an opportunity to register to vote, update your registration, make sure your friends, family and neighbors are registered. The steps you take within your community will have a direct impact on this year’s election and help to ensure the health and safety of the Latinx community for the next four years.
Activation Date: September 22, 2020
Hashtag: #EnLaLucha
Handle: @votolatino (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram)
Click on the images to open in a new tab. Right click image again to “save as” and download. Press and hold photos to open in a new tab and screenshot on mobile.
Instagram/Facebook Graphics
Twitter Graphics
Sample posts
Are you registered to vote?
Do it RIGHT NOW and then share this link with
everyone you know. Keep the momentum up!
REGISTER: https://votolatino.org/article/register-tw/
@votolatino #nationalvoterregistrationday #enlalucha
Sample Copy 2: Hey! @votolatino has registered over 300,000 people this election cycle.
Let’s keep the momentum going!
Register to vote right now.
Already registered?
Share this link with five people!
Do it now!
#enlalucha #NationalVoterRegistrationDay
Register: https://votolatino.org/article/register-tw/
Sample Copy 3: Voto Latino has registered over 300,000 people to vote. Are you registered? Do your part, share this link, and register RIGHT NOW to make a change. https://votolatino.org/article/register-tw/
@votolatino #enlalucha #nationalvoterregistrationday
Publicaciones de muestra en español
Copia de muestra 1: ¡ALTO! ¡NO DESPLAZES MAS!
¿Estás registrado para votar?
Házlo AHORA MISMO y luego comparta este enlace con
todos los que conoces. ¡Mantén el impulso!
REGISTRATE https://votolatino.org/article/register-tw/
@votolatino #nationalvoterregistrationday #enlalucha
Copia de muestra 2: ¡Oye! @votolatino ha registrado a más de 300,000 personas en este ciclo electoral.
¡Mantengamos el impulso!
Regístrate para votar ahora mismo.
¿Ya estás registrado?
¡Comparte este enlace con cinco personas!
¡Hazlo ahora!
#enlalucha #NationalVoterRegistrationDay
Register: https://votolatino.org/article/register-tw/
Copia de muestra 3: Voto Latino ha registrado a más de 300,000 personas para votar. ¿Estas registrado? Haz tu parte, comparte este enlace y regístrate AHORA MISMO para hacer un cambio.
@votolatino #enlalucha #nationalvoterregistrationday
We’d love for you to take the time to film a short video for National Voter Registration Day. Ideally, we’d love for y’all to speak from the heart and be real. We suggest keeping the video short (30 seconds – 1 minute), but it’s not required. Feel free to use the below sample scripts to share how folks can take action and show pride in their community.
Be sure to post this video on September 22, 2020 to Twitter, Facebook and Instagram and tag @VotoLatino.
Hey y’all!
If you’re watching this right now, go to votolatino.org and get registered! This upcoming election is way too important for you to sit it out. So I’m teaming up with Voto Latino to make sure YOU register to vote.
They have registered over 300,000 people this election cycle. Let’s keep the momentum going. Do your part: Register to vote, share the link in my bio with everyone you know and get FIVE PEOPLE registered. We’re all in this together.
Don’t wait until the last minute. Register now!
¡Saludos a todos!
Si está viendo esto ahora mismo, vaya a votolatino.org y regístrese. Esta próxima elección es demasiado importante para que usted se quede afuera. Así que me uní a Voto Latino para asegurarme de que USTED se registre para votar.
Han registrado a más de 300,000 personas en este ciclo electoral. Mantengamos el impulso. Haz tu parte: Regístrate para votar, comparte el enlace en mi biografía con todos tus conocidos y haz que CINCO PERSONAS se registren. Estamos todos juntos en esto.
No espere hasta el último minuto. ¡Regístrese ahora!
En La Lucha Campaign
En La Lucha is Voto Latino’s campaign to register and turn out over 1 million Latinx voters for 2020. We’re en la lucha every day: for our families, for our community, for a better world. Latinx Voters for the first time are the 2nd largest voting bloc in America. Join La Lucha to learn more about how to take hold of your civic power and change the world.